Winston Glades Early Education Centre

Winston Glades Early Education Centre
133 Kensington Drive
Flinders View Queensland 4305
Phone: (07) 3288 9655
  • Our Director

     Name: Lisa Harris

    Tell us about your career in early childhood. How long have you been working in the industry?

    I started in childcare at the age of 17 when I completed my Traineeship in Children’s Services. I have always wanted to be in the Early Childhood Sector and always been passionate about working with children.

    Tell us about the relevant qualifications you hold that assists you in your position?

    I currently hold my Advanced Diploma of Children’s Services. I also have a current blue card along with a current First Aid, CPR, Asthma and Anaphylaxis certificates.

    When did you first join the QCCS team?

    I first joined QCCS in 2000 as a Group Leader Educator and progressed to an Assistant Director’s role followed by Director. I think QCCS is a passionate company that has the children’s best interests at heart which is why I like to work for this company.

    What do you find most rewarding about your career in early childhood?

    I find the most rewarding thing about working in early childhood is watching the children grow, learn and achieve with the best possible care. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a child learn and strive to be a confident little person. We make a difference in encouraging and shaping children to be our next leaders, and it rewarding to know that my team and I are a part of that journey.

    Why should families choose Winston Glades Early Education Centre?

    Here at Winston Glades Early Education Centre, our experienced team of caring Educators have the best interest of your child’s health, safety, and happiness at heart.  Our facilities offer an open environment with an abundance of natural resources to implement sustainable play among other valuable learning material that allow our children to develop their learning experiences and skills with their knowledgeable Educators. Our committed Educators regularly expand their professional development skills, assisting them in providing an exceeding level of care and education. We are heavily involved with supporting our community and encourage the children to partake in this by participating in regular excursions to local businesses and other areas of our community. When enrolling at Winston Glades Early Education Centre, your child and family become part of our own thriving community of dedicated Educators and wonderful children and families.

  • Our Centre
  • Welcome to Winston Glades Early Education Centre & Pre-School. The Centre is located in Flinders View, a suburb in Ipswich near Winston Glades Shopping Complex.

    At the heart of Winston Glades Early Education Centre’s approach is a profound understanding of the complexities and benefits of nature play and bush survival skills. Recognizing the crucial role that the natural environment plays in early childhood development, the centre has invested substantial time and funds in training their staff. This training equips educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate nature-based learning experiences effectively, ensuring that children and families can reap the benefits of this enriching educational approach.

    We have been rated as an EXCELLENT Centre by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)! The Excellent Rating is the highest rating achievable under the National Quality Framework. 

    This award highlights the Queensland-based service’s exceptional efforts in several key areas:

    • Collaborative Partnerships: Establishing strong partnerships with professional, community, and research organisations.
    • Positive Workplace Culture: Fostering a supportive workplace environment, prioritising professional development, and valuing educators.
    • Enhanced Learning Environments: Creating innovative practices and environments that significantly enhance children’s learning and growth.

    Some of the outstanding practices that contributed to this achievement include:

    • Innovative Outdoor Play Space:*Partnering with a playground designer, outdoor educator, local Elder, children, and families, Winston Glades designed a new outdoor play area based on AEDC data. The result was a 39% increase in children’s physical activity, with one child’s step count increasing by 115%. They are also working on an ecology of play framework for academic analysis and publication.
    • Bush Kindy and Nature Pedagogy: The service has a robust bush kindy program with extensive staff training on nature play and bush survival skills. Children spend two full days per week, and infants spend at least two hours per fortnight in bush kindy. They also offer a free community bush kindy initiative.
    • Supportive Educator Spaces: In 2019, an outdoor deck was built for educators to relax and collaborate, responding to feedback on the benefits of being in nature. Two additional indoor spaces with amenities like a massage chair and aromatherapy were also developed, significantly enhancing staff well-being and professional engagement.
    • Sector Leadership: Winston Glades dedicates one to two full days per fortnight to mentor educators at other services, demonstrating their commitment to sharing best practices and improving the wider education and care sector.

    This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovative spirit of the entire team at Winston Glades Early Education Centre & Preschool. 

    Our aim is to provide the highest standard of care to you, the families, as well as to the children who are within our care. Our Centre celebrates diversity, welcoming families with different cultures and backgrounds.

    Our hours of operation are from 6am to 6pm. We are open Monday through to Friday, 52 weeks a year (excluding public holidays). Our Centre opened in October 2003 and caters for 117 children aged from birth to school age. We provide before and after school care to school age children as well as vacation care in the school holidays.

    As security is one of our priorities, our Centre has a security door access system which only allows authorised parents/guardians to drop off and collect their child/ren from the Centre via a personal pin code.

    Our Team:

    Our team are qualified, friendly and caring staff who are committed to continually improving their skills and knowledge by frequently attending in-service training and seminars. All staff are required to have an up to date First Aid, CPR and Blue Card. All new employees of QCCS attend an Induction Session prior to commencing at any of our Child Care Centres; thus, ensuring they will be well equipped to step into their new role. In addition, we provide regular professional opportunities as well as monthly Centre Director and staff meetings to ensure that all our employees are up to date with industry developments.

    Our Centre aims to be at the forefront of industry developments and trends. Therefore, at QCCS your child will benefit from an array of experiences:

    • Interactive smart boards
    • Dynamic Emergent Curriculum based on the Early Years Learning Framework and Kindergarten Guidelines
    • Individual child portfolios. QCCS realises how important it is to be kept informed on your child’s progress and daily activities.
    • Healthy nutritious meals including breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
    • Sun Safety is a priority with a large percentage of the playgrounds covered with artificial and natural shade. Each Centre aims to avoid sun exposure between 9am-3pm to give the children that added level of sun protection.
    • Transition to school programs along with transition statements.

    Sustainability Focus:

    Our Centres are passionate about teaching sustainable behaviours, instilling the knowledge and values that help support sustainable environments. Just some of the sustainable practices that you can expect to see in our services include:

    • Educating our children in the use of compost systems within their rooms
    • Child tended vegetable and herb gardens, sharing our harvest with families and children
    • Appointment of our children to monitor the electricity and water use within our Centre
    • Use of recycled materials in our art and craft activities
    • Use of donated items by our local communities and businesses
    • Use of equipment made from recycled materials

    Our Centre have our own pet Chickens which enable the children to learn about the environment and how to live an eco-friendly way. The children get involved by collecting the eggs and taking out the scraps. Chickens are a fantastic learning experience that our teachers incorporate into their programs daily.

    Vision for Reconciliation:

    As a service, we believe in being inclusive of all and supporting unity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other Australians.

    We are eager to make connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and actively extend on our growing relationships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. As a service, we hope to establish new relationships and friendships with our wider community as we come together in an educated, respecting and knowledgeable future.

    Reconciliation is important for us as a service as we believe it is necessary to be equalised and therefore given an opportunity to live and learn in a fair environment.

    Core Values: A Holistic Approach

    Winston Glades Early Education Centre’s approach is grounded in a holistic understanding of child development. This encompasses not only physical and cognitive growth but also emotional and social development. The centre places a strong emphasis on up-to-date knowledge around emotional development and brain development, ensuring that educators are equipped to support the children’s overall well-being.

    Training programs and professional development opportunities are designed to enhance educators’ understanding of the latest research in these areas. This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of a child’s development is nurtured, providing a balanced and comprehensive educational experience.

    Investing in Professional Development

    Recognizing that high-quality education begins with highly skilled educators, Winston Glades Early Education Centre has made substantial investments in the professional growth of their team. This involves extensive training programs designed to deepen educators’ understanding of nature play, bush survival skills, and the complexities of early childhood development. These training sessions are not one-off events but part of a sustained, ongoing professional development strategy.

    The centre’s commitment is evident in the allocation of time and funds specifically for staff training. This includes workshops, certifications, and courses that keep educators abreast of the latest research and methodologies in early childhood education. By prioritizing professional development, Winston Glades ensures that their educators are well-equipped to deliver enriching and effective learning experiences.

    Supporting Educators in Practice

    Beyond formal training, Winston Glades provides robust support systems for their educators. This includes regular mentoring and coaching sessions where experienced educators share insights and strategies with newer staff members. The centre fosters a collaborative environment where educators feel valued and supported in their professional journeys.

    The support extends to the practical aspects of teaching as well. Educators at Winston Glades are encouraged to experiment with new ideas and innovative teaching methods, knowing they have the support of the centre’s leadership and the company QCCS. This freedom to innovate within a supportive framework leads to a dynamic and engaging learning environment for the children.

    Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

    Winston Glades’ commitment to professional development goes hand-in-hand with their emphasis on continuous improvement. The centre encourages educators to reflect on their practice regularly and to seek out opportunities for further learning and development. This culture of continuous improvement ensures that the centre remains at the forefront of early childhood education, constantly evolving and enhancing their offerings.

    .Acknowledgement Statement:

    Winston Glades Early Education Centre would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Traditional Custodians of the Land in which we are able to walk, work, live and learn, the Yaggera people. We would like to especially recognise and thank the Yaggera people for allowing us to educate the future generation on the Land our service is established on. We pay respects to Yaggera Elders past and present.

  • Our Program
  • We are committed to the implementation of the National Early Years Learning Framework and operate an Emergent Curriculum. Our program is based on the individual needs of the children in our care. Our program is balanced and developmentally appropriate. It has variations, providing for a wide range of individual experiences. These experiences give the children the opportunity to make choices and take on new challenges. Our centre programs are based on the individual child, thus ensuring it does not exclude any one child. Our goal is to inspire delight, curiosity, and inquiry in the classroom. We are very proud to offer the below to all our families at no additional costs:

    Kindergarten Program
    Our Centre is pleased to be operating a Queensland Government approved Kindergarten Program with a qualified Early Childhood Teacher. This program is aimed at preparing our pre-prep children for primary school. Our Centre implements the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline and focuses on building upon children’s learning and development including literacy and numeracy skills as well as exploring the foundations of mathematics and science. We are committed to developing and building on community partnerships with local schools, Teachers and families to ensure children are being well prepared for their school years.

    Families with eligible children attending an approved Kindergarten Program may be entitled to a QKFS Plus Kindy Support Subsidy to assist with the out of pocket expenses of attending the program. To be eligible, families must either:

    • Hold a current Health Care Card, Veterans Affairs Card or Australian Government Pension Concession Card w
    • Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander 
    • Have three or more children enrolled in the same year (must be the same age)

    Your Centre Director can provide you with further information regarding this subsidy.

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    Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA)
    Our Centre also boasts a second language program (Japanese). We are proud participants in the Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA) initiative. ELLA is an Australian Government initiative aimed at reviving the teaching of foreign languages in Australian schools, with the aim of significantly increasing the number of Year 12 students studying a language other than English within a decade.

    We are delighted that the service is a qualified ‘Bush Kindergarten’ Education provider! We are recognised as a Nature Play QLD Education Provider.


    Bush Kindy Program

    Winston Glades Early Education Centre & Pre-School Bush Kindy program is a standout feature, designed to immerse children in nature and encourage learning through exploration and play. Preschool children participate in Bush Kindy for two full days each week, while infants engage in outdoor activities for at least two hours every fortnight. This program is characterised by minimal resource use, emphasising organic learning experiences and the development of bush survival skills.

    A unique aspect of the Bush Kindy program is the incorporation of Dadirri, a First Nations methodology of deep listening in nature. This practice fosters a deep connection with the environment, promoting mindfulness and a sense of tranquility among the children. By integrating Dadirri, the centre not only honors First Nations wisdom but also enriches the children’s learning experience with a profound cultural perspective.

    The success of Winston Glades Early Education Centre’s nature pedagogy and Bush Kindy program is rooted in their holistic approach. The centre understands that meaningful nature-based education requires more than just outdoor activities; it demands a commitment to ongoing professional development and a deep appreciation for the natural world. By investing in Educators  training and fostering a culture of continuous learning, the centre ensures that its educators are well-equipped to deliver high-quality, nature-centric education

    Commitment to the Community

    We have a strong commitment to nature pedagogy which extends beyond the confines of the centre through to free community Bush Kindy. This program offers a fortnightly  two-hour session led by an Lisa Nominated Supervisor and Wendy Educational leader, providing an opportunity for children and families in the community to engage in nature play. We wanted to make a difference in our local community around the benefits of learning through nature play.  Our Educators hold level 3 in  Forest School Education.

    Little Scientists
    Our Centre is proud to be a Certified Little Scientists House. This program is run daily by demonstrating our commitment to hands-on, inquiry-based learning in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education. It is designed to recognise services and schools that promote an active learning environment, incorporating best practice elements such as inquiry-based learning, metacognition and co-construction.

    Swimming Program
    Winston Glades Early Education Centre has partnered with a local swim centre to provide swimming lessons for children aged 3 to 5 years. The aim of swimming lessons is to teach children how to be safe in and around water. The program runs weekly, in line with the Queensland school terms and taught by fully qualified swimming instructors.

    We are delighted that the service is recognised as a Ageless Play QLD Education Provider.

    Intergenerational Program
    The Intergenerational Program helps to bridge generational gaps by fostering understanding and building respect between generations. Winston Glades Early Education Centre is proudly partnered with the local Bolton Clarke Nursing Home. Once a month the children visit residents at the nursing home, where they participate in a range of activities including singing, arts and crafts and gardening.


    Veggie Fun Program
    Veggie Fun for Everyone is a 12-week food literacy program run in our Kindergarten Room, created by our very own Heathy Cooking Company designed to develop a positive attitude toward vegetables in children. The Kindergarten children will be encouraged to explore vegetables, leading to positive experiences and self-directed tasting.

    Perceptual Motor Program
    Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) activities form a part of our daily routine as your child’s Educators aim to help them become physically active and promote healthy growth as well as development of bones, muscles, flexibility, balance, posture and cardiovascular fitness. It can also help establish connections between different parts of the brain that develop memory and language.

    Barefoot Nursery
    Our Centre runs a ‘Barefoot Nursery’. Upon entry to the Nursery all Educators, guardians and visitors are required to remove their shoes or place a covering over them. Our babies are sensory explorers; therefore, it is important to us to keep our nursery room floors and environment clean and hygienic. The exceptional cleanliness of the ‘Barefoot Nursery’ concept allows our infants to freely investigate their surroundings without being exposed to unnecessary germs and bacteria.

  • Healthy Eating
  • Healthy Cooking Company Pty Ltd_Final_23082012 copy

    We believe food ingredients should come from the kitchen, not from a lab. From this belief came the inspiration to open our own production kitchen, the Healthy Cooking Company. We aim to create and promote natural and wholesome food with a number of health benefits:

    • Organic baby food
    • Preservative Free
    • No artificial flavours
    • Low in sodium & refined sugar
    • Naturally sweetened with honey

    We promise that our nutrition labels will be free of numbers, so there will be no need to decipher nasty food additives. We are dedicated to providing delicious food that your children will love. Parents can rest assured that their little ones are being provided with a good start with healthy, nutritious morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea meals provided.

    As Educators, we believe in teaching children that physical activity can be fun as well as good for our bodies and minds. As a result we coordinate exciting exercise programs within our centres that have been developed by our Sports Dietitian in consultation with Primary School Physical Education Teachers. We want the children in our care to experience the numerous health benefits that regular physical activity can provide such as:

    • Stronger muscles and bones
    • Long term positive attitude towards exercise
    • Reduction in the likelihood of becoming overweight
    • Reduction in the likelihood of developing illnesses and diseases

    Through this we aim to incorporate at least three hours of physical activity each day into our room routines and programs with:

    • Morning physical activity routine
    • General indoor physical activity
    • Outdoor experiences
  • Awards
  • 5.0
    Based on 13 reviews
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    Mim Donnelly
    01:22 06 Jun 22
    I absolutely love Winston Glades Early Education Centre. As a first time mum I was worried about leaving my child and who I was leaving them with. I was overwhelmed by the experience of picking out a centre to take care of my child. People who had children in daycare said we would just "get a feeling" if the centre was right for us. After seeing a few I can definitely say that's what happened.Carolyn, the assistant director, was the first person we met who took us through the centre and program. She was kind and insightful. Listen to our long list of questions and kindly answered them.If there are any issues a phone call is always made. There is also a handy app they use to keep me up to date. So even when our child isn't with us, we know how she's eating and we get a cute update of photos and a snapshot of their day!The educators have always made me at ease asking questions. At times I still feel out of my depth with a child attending a daycare but everyone at Winston Glades EEC welcomes questions with a smile. I could also go on about the food, the bush kindy adventures and other excursions, the worm farm, the chickens and play areas and toys but that would be an essay. I am so glad I found this centre. They have earnt their exceeding status! Highly recommend!
    Helen Wiseman
    12:03 01 Jun 22
    I have a son in the Kindergarten room and a daughter in Toddler 1 and they both absolutely love it. The educators care so much about the children and know them so well. The activities that are planned are very engaging and my children learn so much. Everyone is very friendly and welcoming.I visited a few daycare centres before choosing Winston Glades. It stood out as being the best on my visit and I was absolutely correct.
    Caitlin Williams
    05:10 01 Jun 22
    I have trusted this EEC centre with the care of my child since he was 9 months old. As a teacher myself, I felt like I was rather ‘picky’ when it came to finding an EEC for my child. We toured many and are so happy with our choice of Winston Glades. We have nothing but good things to say about the centre and the staff who work there. All the staff are so friendly and approachable and are willing to accommodate your child’s individual needs on a daily basis. There’s plenty of opportunities to be welcomed into the room and share in the celebrations with your child (Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc). They are amazing with they daily updates and live app updates. It certainly eases the working mum guilt. 🙈 I definitely recommend this centre to all my friends. ☺️
    Carman Page
    12:14 23 May 22
    Both my children have been attending the centre since 2020 and not only are the staff friendly, caring and nurturing they are absolutely dedicated in providing the highest quality of care to the children and also to the families. I am very thankful to my children’s educators for building strong relationships with not only my children but our family as I feel this helps us feel connected to our Winston Glades Early Education Care and Preschool community. The centre also offers amazing experiences like Bush Kindy, swimming lessons, ginger sport and billy buddies and also has Jim from the Healthy food company come out to do food tasting and PMP activities with the children in all rooms which the children love. Would highly recommended the centre to families in the area.
    A Google User
    12:14 23 May 22
    Both my children have been attending the centre since 2020 and not only are the staff friendly, caring and nurturing they are absolutely dedicated in providing the highest quality of care to the children and also to the families. I am very thankful to my children’s educators for building strong relationships with not only my children but our family as I feel this helps us feel connected to our Winston Glades Early Education Care and Preschool community. The centre also offers amazing experiences like Bush Kindy, swimming lessons, ginger sport and billy buddies and also has Jim from the Healthy food company come out to do food tasting and PMP activities with the children in all rooms which the children love. Would highly recommended the centre to families in the area.
    Erin Kasprowicz
    10:08 23 May 22
    Winston Glades Early Education Centre is filled with loving and caring educators that go above and beyond to ensure your little one is having the best experience when there. It's comforting to know that when my little one goes to the centre that she will be greeted by the same lovely faces each time and they form a special bond that will last for a lifetime. Thankyou so much!
    Aimee Byrnes
    03:03 23 May 22
    I myself have been at Winston Glades as an Employee since the beginning of 2005. My Children have been attending the centre since 2012 with my youngest currently in the Toddler room. Very friendly, professional and knowledgeable Educators who take pride in their roles. Highly recommended!
    Wendy Vandenberg
    02:56 23 May 22
    The Educators here are amazing! Everyone is so welcoming and nurturing. Both my children love coming here. They offer lots of fun experiences including bush kindy which the kids love!
